J A M E S   S C H I L D R O T H     A S S O C I A T E S,   A R C H I T E C T S

Architecture inspired by my clients and the challenging sites on the coast of Maine since 1970.

The process of working with a creative architect in the design of your home may be one of the most rewarding experiences you will have in life.

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This site is offered in support of the cause of Organic Architecture.   Frank Lloyd Wright, Bruce Goff and many other architects have influenced the Principles expressed in the architecture I have designed and built.

Construction Photos Index of the Doug and Colleen HOUSE

Last changed 07/26/2011

ICF Insulated Concrete Forms

Used from footing to foundation wall and to bottom of continuous window sills.  At one end continuous to roof rafters. 

DX-6A.jpg (18803 bytes) Click on title for more photos.

Floor construction and radiant heat photos:

floorheat-2A.jpg (21943 bytes) Click on title for more photos.

Wall and roof framing photos:

DX-0A.jpg (32176 bytes) Click on title for more photos.


back to the Doug and Colleen House click here

Christopher Doherty, Builder

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